Feature Documentaries


DSC_0012“The course has really made me think about how I develop literacy skills and in turn, understanding in a visual and creative way.”

“Excellent CPD, lots to think about, particularly ways for film to cut across subject areas. ” 

“I felt that everything was easy to use immediately in class.”

“This has been an excellent course, I now know enough for how to teach the children to animate and record in order to develop story writing.”

“I’ve been on other teaching film CPD courses before but this felt really fresh”

“Brilliant and Tim is very inspirational. I’ve been using film for years but I’ve learnt so much!”

“I feel it has been very beneficial for me in terms of collaboration with primary and secondary colleagues also expertise of leader has been excellent in terms of expanding my knowledge of using iPads for filming and camerawork.

All testimonials are taken from written feedback from teachers attending CPD delivered by Tim Flood in 2015.